Unicorn Companies Data Analysis
The world’s most valued private startup businesses with annual revenue of $1 billion or more are nothing but Unicorn Companies. The current dataset is exclusively devoted to a global list of Unicorn Companies. This dataset was recorded in March 2022. The project mainly focuses on explaining the dataset, where it came from, how it was preprocessed, and lastly how to visualize unicorn companies with the aid of specific queries mentioned below :
- Are unicorns a recent phenomenon, and is there any trend over the past number of years in the number of unicorns being created?
- How long does it usually take for a company to become a unicorn has it always been this way?
- Which top 10 companies turned into unicorns the fastest?
- Which countries have the most unicorns Are there any countries that appear to be industry as Internet software & services?
- Yearly valuation of top 5 countries
- Which unicorn companies have had the biggest return on investment?